Academy Messages
As part of our personnel development curriculum, children can come to school 'wearing red' on the 14th February to support the Midlands Air Ambulance. There will be collection buckets on the gate for the charity.
Parking - please can I ask parents not to park on the medical centre or the new housing parking spaces by the junior school. We are receiving a number of complaints from residents and medical centre staff who have had their cars blocked in during the school run. Thank you.
Staff updates. It is wonderful having the special needs co-ordinators return to both schools. They have non-class time on a Wednesday to complete their work with the children. If you do have concerns regarding your child, please remember to discuss these with the class teacher first. If more support is needed, the teacher will refer you to the special needs co-ordinator for more advice.
The children at the infant school enjoyed their visit to the pantomime. We were really impressed with how amazingly the children behaved. Oh, yes they did!