Safety Education
Safety Education
At Heathfields Infant and Wilnecote Junior Academy, we aim to provide children with a range of experiences to enable them to become safe and successful members of society. This includes inviting into school a range of external agencies to allow children to make purposeful links between their learning in school and the wider community.
Below, you will see information and media to show how our children are actively supported to be safe citizens through our amazing external providers.
Heathfields Infant Academy
Road safety
Have you noticed our parking buddies located outside the main school gate the and Reception gate? They are there to keep us safe and encourage adults to park safely around our school!
In Reception, we have been practising how cross the road safely by using the track on our playground. We have learnt to stop, look, and listen before stepping out into the road. We have also learnt how to safely use a zebra crossing by waiting for the cars to stop.
Wilnecote Junior Academy
Dog Safety
The Juniors had a fantastic experience when they were visited by Sarah from the Dogs Trust for the day in September. We explored why it is important to stay safe around dogs as well as how this can be done to ensure that both dogs and humans stay safe and well. We explored dog’s amazing senses and why they behave in the ways that they do. We can safely say that the Juniors are all now ‘Dog Smart’!
Fire Safety
The Juniors had a very exciting visit from Hannah from Staffordshire Fire and Rescue to talk to them about being safe around both accidental and intentional fires. The children engaged with this beautifully and following a conversation with our student council, this seems to have really sunk in with the children in all the classes across the school. The Juniors are most certainly more fire aware.
Road Safety
At the Juniors, we learn to be road safe by taking part in the Stepping Out programme which is carried out by the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership. The children are taken on a practise walk of the local area by a Road Safety Officer to learn about how to stay safe in our immediate local area. The children are then sent on an observed walk to test their knowledge and put their skills to the test whilst being observed by a team of trusted volunteers. At the end of this, the children receive a certificate and a score to give them any ideas for development to become even safer citizens.
During the summer term, year 6 will also take part in a special stepping out course with the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership to help them with their transition into high school.
During the spring term, Year 6 have been taking part in the Bikeability course to learn key bike skills and how to be safe when riding a bike out in public on the roads and around the local area.
Water Safety
During the autumn term, the Juniors had an amazing visit with Lucy from Severn Trent Water. She came into our school to deliver the hydration heroes assembly to the juniors and workshops to years 4 and 5. During our assembly she talked about the importance of keeping hydrated and the impact that this has on our body, she used some of our amazing year 5 children to perform a piece of drama at the front of the assembly to demonstrate how hydrated we are at different parts of the day.

Throughout the workshops, she went on to explaining to the children how being dehydrated can impact different parts of the body. The children were so engaged and in return received a certificate for the school to award us as Hydration Heroes!

During the summer term, we will also have a visitor coming into school from the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Association) to talk to our children about how to remain safe around water over the summer holiday.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Safety
The Juniors were lucky enough to have Emie from Bonanza Creative come in to visit us to tell us all about Carbon Monoxide, its dangers and how we can prevent ourselves and others from coming to harm.
The assembly told the whole school about CO and the impact that it can have on the human body. We were so engaged in the video and even had some laughs along the way thanks to one of the actors!
Year 3 learnt so much from their Safety Seymour workshops, we did drama, played games but most importantly we had lots of fun whilst also learning some fascinating and important things. We were also very lucky as Bonanza provided us all with an activity pack to use at home! In the pack we had, a certificate to show that we had completed the training, a keyring with the emergency number on that must be called if there is a danger of carbon monoxide, a Safety Seymour finger puppet, an information leaflet both for us and our grown-ups and incredibly, we all got out own Carbon Monoxide alarm to take home with us and keep.
Bonanza Creative returned in February to deliver sessions to our year 5 and 6 pupils who are now part of the CO Crew, the children had a great time and learnt so much about how to stay safe around Carbon Monoxide!
Animal Safety
As year 4 unfortunately missed out on our Dog's Trust workshop day, they have taken part in a workshop with Animal Aid to explore and further understand the potential dangers of animals and how to be safe around them.
PSCO Talks
During Spring 2, to enhance the children's PSHE education, all year groups in KS2 will have the opportunity to spend some time with PCSO Neil Winter to discuss some of the topics that they will have been learning about during their PSHE lessons. The subject content is as follows:
Year 3- knowing what to do if they don't feel safe and knowing that there are things, places and people that are dangerous.
Year 4- impact of peer pressure with smoking and alcohol and implications.
Year 5- misusing alcohol and antisocial behaviour.
Year 6- different types of drugs and exploitation to join gangs.
The hope is that with PCSO Winter's presence, this will alleviate any worries that the children have about these serious subjects and will allow them to enquire more about how this impacts their community in Tamworth. Additionally, this should encourage are children to actively avoid any of these things and consequently limit the amount of unsettling events in our school community.